1000 True Fans – Daily Routine

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March’s focus in the 1000 “True” Fan blog series is KEEPING FANS. I missed last week as I was on vacation, but BOY AM I READY TO RETURN TO MY NORMAL LIFE. (How was my trip to Europe, you ask? I’m happy to be home. Terrorist attack at our airport, my husband got sick, my kids couldn’t participate in the kids programs because they were in Italian…oh, and my dog died at the kennel. Besides that, we had a great time. Did you catch my dry sense of humor?)

Review of Past Week (Mission 10: Value Added Tasks): Okay.

Being on vacation, I was internet-less for nearly two weeks. It really helped me to focus on what is important and what isn’t. Basically, I decided that I was making a lot of work for myself that really had no impact on anything.

I’m still participating in some newsletter building cross-promos, so how is it going?

Drum Roll…Ready?

Current Mailing List Subscriptions: 1259 fans / 1000 true fans (Up 573 people in 2 weeks!)

I HIT MY GOAL OF 1000 SUBSCRIBERS! Unfortunately, I sent out my first email campaign  and 50% or more of these subscribers didn’t open my email. That’s something I’ll work on in future blog posts. So, for my goal of 1000 “True” fans, I’m not there yet. Perhaps, when I release a new book and get 1000 sales in the first few weeks, I’ll feel I’ve met this goal. A girl can dream, right?

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This Weeks Mission: A Simple Daily Routine / Checklist

Since I’m easing back into life after vacation, I’m keeping this post simple. Here’s my simple daily routine relating to social media.

I keep a folder of bookmarks on my internet browser, labeled “Check Daily“. I used to have “Check Weekly” as well, but I simplified. In this folder, I have the social media channels I look at and check on a daily basis. I’m not good at posting on Facebook/Twitter. (I’m still working on that, but it’ll come as I build up more “fans.”) I check/reply/address things twice daily…though, once daily would be enough. I enjoy it. Interaction with people is fantastic. 🙂


The big secret I learned while away on vacation? A little on each site is enough. Show your presence. Interact with some people and rotate based on what interests you. You don’t have to interact with everyone (unless they directly address you.)

Want to read more? Something more complete? Here’s a neat checklist to checkout.

Next Week: Writing content people will actually read (in newsletters, blog posts, social media posts, etc.)

If you want to get caught up on 2017’s journey to find 1000 fans, check out the 1000 “True” Fan Landing Page.

What sites do you interact on every day? (What’s on your daily checklist?)


  1. I never let a day go by without checking in on Twitter and all the blogs I follow (including yours.) I didn’t do this on vacation last week (sorry about your dog and all the other things.) My trouble is my travel writing blog is a monster that needs to be taken care of on a regular basis. My second blog, the one for me the about-to-be novelist, needs much more TLC. So I’m looking at all the links you have here to get that done. Thanks for the post. Keep on trucking…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh gosh don’t get me started 😣 I’ve gone on Twitter and told myself I’d actually use it a million times but I never stick with it. Finding friends is hard on there lol. Did just make a Facebook page though

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    1. Yeah, I haven’t fallen in love with Twitter yet. I feel like I’m missing the big secret. My Facebook page could be so much more, but haven’t focused on growing that audience yet–I’m still working on content. Congrats on your page! What’s the address? I’ll head over and like it. (I don’t see a link to it on your blog yet???)

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