I lost NaNoWriMo, but I published a book!

nano-statsOkay. I may have *technically* lost NaNoWriMo, but I did manage to write 41,500 words towards THE SECRET LIVES OF SUPERHERO WIVES. I’d consider it “Draft Zero” as I have the whole thing done. It just needs a little more outside conflict. Do I sense an April Camp NaNoWriMo project?


Brace yourself.

Drum Roll.

amazon-listing2I FINALLY have LOVE, LIES & CLONES up on Amazon for Kindle pre-order.

It’s here (if you’re DYING to get a copy): Love, Lies & Clones on Amazon

Pricing is SO difficult!

I decided to price the pre-order at the cheapest I could, $0.99, so that all my friends, family, and supporters could obtain a copy at a reasonable price. When it’s released (December 16th), I’ll be increasing it to $2.99. Hopefully, I sell a few copies to at least make back editing costs. 😉 I completely went with pricing listed on this website: ebook Pricing.  There are so many pricing strategies, I had no idea what to do — this is completely a shot in the dark.

I should have the paperback copy up this week. Yay! My parents are looking forward to selling it in their Zoo’s gift shop.

Then onto marketing and self promotion (see my sad face? I don’t like “selling.” Ugh!)

What’s next?

bhw-kindleI need to finish editing/rewriting BLOOD & HOLY WATER and get that one published too. It’s so close. I anticipate 1st half of 2017.

And I have the itch to write some flash fiction again. I have two stories outlined and just need to bite the bullet and write them. I’ll share on this blog when they’re done.

Maybe outline some sequels?


What projects are on your agenda for 2017?




  1. That’s great! I’m excited to get a copy 🙂

    In 2017, I’m hoping to continuing my publishing journey with Bombshell (an agent is reading my manuscript as we speak… or at least sometime in the next three weeks!), as well as revising The Legend of Elliot Major. I also hope to finish the sequel to Elliot Major – I wrote 50,000 words towards it for NaNo and would love to finish it soon. I’m just not sure what to work on first!

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    1. Oh… covers. That’s a tough one. I’m going to do a blog post in a week or two on how I ended up with my cover for Love, Lies & Clones along with the tips I learned. I completely do them myself, finding stock photos from istock and using http://www.canva.com to create the cover. I play with them over and over again until I’m semi-happy with them. The goal is to make them match your genre, which I’m not that good at. Colors are a key too — complementary colors.

      Liked by 2 people

          1. I liked how you created a self-contained world – not really caring to explain the rules of the magic world explicitly. As I read, I kind of felt like an outsider into Marie and Connor’s world, kind of awkward for not knowing the magic herbs – but in a good way. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s awesome! Congratulations on your upcoming book 😀

    I’m a writer myself, but I’m not the most organized or motivated of people. I have so many ideas floating around in my head and I really need to organize my time so I can sit down and get some down on paper! I’m currently just writing flash fiction, but I’d love to be able to start on one of my longer projects. Perhaps that’ll be my project for 2017 🙂


    1. Thanks for stopping by and reading my post! I feel pulled in a million directions too. Good luck in 2017 — what works for me is just to focus on writing 500-1000 words a day towards your novel. After a month or so, you’ll be amazed on what you have done.


  3. Congrats on getting your book out for pre-order.
    I never consider any “NaNo” month as loosing. It has been said that you can’t edit a blank page. So, anything accomplished is something to cheer about.
    2017 should prove to be a busy year. I’m editing my first novel and a short story collection.

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